Level 2 – Stages Of Children’s Development (English)

As part of our initiative to partner with Jesus in his heart for the restoration of families, we started a school for parents in 2018. In this new semester of 2023 we have restructured our school now named “Efective parenthood” and with this change we have opened the classes in English. Over the years, our school has empowered hundreds of parents to be their best for their children. We not only teach basic parenting skills, but we also provide parents with tools to build bridges between their children and themselves. The heart behind this school is to “turn the hearts of fathers (and mothers) to their children, the hearts of children to their fathers (and mothers)” according to Malachi 4:6.

  • Level 2: Starts May 17th @ 7pm
  • Last day to sign up: May 24th
  • Classes are via ZOOM
  • Course length: 7 weeks


  1. Stages of children development
  2. Understanding the origin of behavior
  3. Learning to love
  4. Discovering your children’s temperament
  5. Child abuse  (L.A. County)
  6. Overprotective parents: insecure children
  7. How to develop healthy self-esteem in our children

For any other questions, please call : 818-600-2205



If you are taking this class to present your child, please take note of the following requirements:

  • non-refundable transaction
  • Registration is per person, couples receive a $20 discount.



May 17 2023 - Jun 28 2023


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